RedTeam on the Road Event Recap

Thank you for joining us at RedTeam on the Road and being part of our journey through Orlando, Nashville and Dallas! It was a pleasure to meet, connect‌ and share insights with so many professionals who are as passionate about construction management and the industry as we are.

Dive deeper with recordings and presentations

Don’t let the learning stop just because the event has ended. Access the recordings and materials to continue enhancing your skills and pushing your projects to new heights.

Relive the highlights from RedTeam on the Road

Our photo gallery is packed with snapshots from each event. Whether it was the engaging training workshops, the innovative presentations or lively panel discussions. Jump back into the each event.

We're still accepting speaker submissions for RedTeam on the Road

If you have a great session idea and are interested in speaking at our event, we’d love to have you! To be considered for the event, please submit to speak today. Don’t worry, we’ll work with you on finalizing all the details and will be there to support your session at the live event. Our speaker submission deadline is March 28, 2024.

What’s in it for me?

Need some more convincing before submitting to speak? Here are some of the benefits that event speakers will get:

Download our “convince your boss” letter to get buy-in from your supervisor or internal team.