Employee Expense Approvals
[Coming Soon: Feb 18th]
We are pleased to announce the much anticipated release of Employee Expense Approvals!
This new Approval Workflow allows you to route and approve Employee Expenses within your company. Much like the Invoice Approvals Workflow, you can customize the matrix for routing Expenses to the various parties who need to review and approve them. This first version of Employee Expense Approvals will allow you to set up the Approval Workflow, Route Expenses from the form or tools icon in RedTeam Web, and Review and Approve these Expenses via a new form.

Who is impacted by this update?
Users who review, approve, and execute Employee Expenses. Often all Employees at a company will submit Expenses for Approval, and typically Accounting Teams, Project Managers, and Supervisors will Approve them.
Why would you use it?
If you want to have an automated workflow for Expenses to route to the appropriate parties for Approval, and to ensure the Expenses have been reviewed for accuracy prior to being executed in RedTeam, you will want to use this new Workflow.
How to use this feature
The first and most important step will be to determine how you would like your Expense Approvals routed for your Company (or each Company Division that you have) and Configure the Approval Workflow. Go to Configuration menu > Approvals Workflow > Expenses. You can change the Configuration for each active Company Division that you have. There is a default workflow already set up for each. If you choose to use “Direct Supervisor” or “Next-Level Supervisor” in your Approval Workflow, you will want to also make sure that your Employees have a Supervisor specified in their Employee Profile (Employees menu > select an Employee > Edit > Supervisor field).
Once your Approval Workflow for Expenses has been Configured, you can Route Expenses from either the form to Add a new Expense (Save and Route button) or from the Tools icon in Manage Expenses:

Please note: Expense can not yet be routed from the FieldShare app, but may be entered via the FieldShare app and then routed using the option in the tools icon as seen above.
Expenses that have been routed will follow the Approval Workflow you have Configured. If the Expense cannot be routed due to the way your Workflow is Configured or the Employee missing a Supervisor, then you will see a warning message upon trying to route. Expenses that are routed successfully will appear in the updated Inbox to be reviewed.
The expected release for this feature is the evening of Friday, 02/18. Please contact us via the Help Center with any questions or for assistance.
Updated Inbox
[Coming Soon: Feb 18th]
Along with the new Approval Workflow for Expenses, users will see a change to their Inbox for managing these approvals. This change affects the existing Inbox where users approve Invoices. They will see a new look that includes tabs to toggle between Invoices and Expenses, as well as a new tabular look, updated icons, and a badge for Rejected transactions.

Who is impacted by this update?
Anyone who uses the Inbox to review and approve Invoices. Typically Project Managers, Accounting Teams, and Controllers.
Why would you use it?
If you are already an Approver for your company’s Invoice Approval Workflow, then you already use the Inbox. If you will become an Approver for Employee Expenses then you will begin using this Inbox icon, located at the top of your screen on any page.
How to use this feature
When you have pending approvals of any type, you will see a number indicator in the Inbox icon at the top of the page. Click the icon to open the Inbox and review all of your pending items.
The expected release for this feature is the evening of Friday, 02/18. Please contact us via the Help Center with any questions or for assistance.
Vendor Invoices: Multiple Draft Invoices
You may now enter multiple Draft Invoices against the same Vendor Commitment. This change allows you to have as many Invoices in Draft status against an Invoice and pending approval as you need. You do not need to Commit the last Invoice in order to enter the next one.

Who is impacted by this update?
Anyone who enters Vendor Invoices.
Why would you use it?
If you receive many Invoices from Vendors and want to make sure all of them are entered in RedTeam without having to Commit the previous Invoice(s) then this change will be beneficial for you.
How to use this feature
It is important to note that the option to allow multiple Draft Invoices must be enabled for the Commitment Form. This can be done from the Configuration menu > Commitment Forms > tools icon > Edit > Progress Metric > Allow multiple Draft Invoices against this Commitment.
Important Notes
- This option must be turned on in the Configuration for the Commitment Form to use.
- Commitments linked to TeamPlayer will not allow the option for multiple Draft Invoices.
- Non-Commitment Invoices are not affected by this change, and will continue to allow multiple Drafts.
Customer Billing: Cost Plus Billing Unexclude Option
You can now see Actual Costs that have been previously excluded from Cost Plus Billing and unexclude these Costs if necessary.

Who is impacted by this update?
Anyone who creates Cost Plus Customer Billing. Typically Project Managers and Accounting teams.
Why would you use it?
If you accidentally excluded items from your Actual Costs, or changed your mind about a previously excluded item that you now would like to include in your Cost Plus Billing, you can see all of these excluded costs and unexclude any that you want to bring back and Bill to your Customer.
How to use this feature
Add or Edit a Customer Billing. With the Cost Plus option selected, click on any SOV amount in the “Completed & Stored to Date” column to open the “Actual Costs Details in this Period” window. From there, click the More icon to open and see the previously Excluded Costs for this Project.
Commitment Forms: New Data Fields
Additional customization for your Commitment Forms with new Data Fields available to be used in the Preamble, Terms and Conditions, and/or Footer.

Who is impacted by this update?
Anyone who configures Commitment Forms for your company. Typically Admins.
Why would you use it?
These new Data Fields pull information from fields entered when creating or editing a Commitment on a Project. Specifically, the following 4 fields:
- Vendor Contact: the full name of the Contact selected for the Commitment
- Vendor Payment Contact: the full name of the Payment Contact selected for the Commitment
- Manager Position: the position or title (from their Profile) for the Manager of the Project
- Cost Codes: the list of Cost Codes selected in the Products & Services step of the Commitment
How to use this feature
To Configure a Commitment, go to the Configuration menu > Commitment Forms > tools icon > Edit, and select either the Preamble, Terms and Conditions, or Footer. From here, you can expand the Data Fields on the right side of the screen to copy these fields and incorporate them wherever you would like within the section of the document. When these Commitments are created on a Project, the information from the form will be automatically populated in the Data Field wherever you have chosen to put it in the document.
Plans & Specs: Auto Suggest Superseded Files
When uploading revised files for Addendums and Potential Changes, RedTeam will now automatically suggest the files from your current set to be superseded based on the Number and Name of the uploaded files.

Who is impacted by this update?
Anyone who creates Addendums or Potential Changes. Typically Project Managers, Estimators, and Project Coordinators.
Why would you use it?
When loading several pages worth of revised Plans & Specs, this feature will save time manually selecting the page that needs to be superseded by auto-suggesting pages that match. You will have the option to change the page if necessary as you review all files.
How to use this feature
This feature is available in both Addendums (while the Project is in Draft or Request status) as well as Potential Changes (while the Project is In Progress).
Additional Updates
- Warning Message for Invoices submitted via TeamPlayer when there is a discrepancy between Retainage billed and Retainage specified on the Commitment
- Control line breaks for Miscellaneous Billing (Customer Billing)
- Updated warning in Cost Plus Billing when Actual Costs exceed the SOV line item amount
- Increase character limit for Amount in Commitments > Products & Services (10 characters)
- Increase character limit for Progress Reports > Add/Edit Census (5000 characters)
- Speed Optimization
- Manage Vendor Quotes (for specific Vendor)
- Add/Edit Vendor Directives (Multi-Step Form)
- Configure Roles & Permissions (Open and View)
- API Connections:
- TeamPlayer: Warning message in RedTeam for TeamPlayer Invoices that have a discrepancy between Retainage submitted on their Bill and Retainage specified in the Commitment