Meeting Minutes: Nest Issues
This latest update to the Issues in RedTeam Flex gives you even more control and flexibility over your Meeting Minutes, by allowing you to nest Issues in a hierarchy. Like an ordered list, you can nest multiple levels of Issues under one another. This grouping lets you get as detailed as you need to with your Issue topics that you review in meetings.
Who is impacted by this update?
Anyone who manages Issues on a Project and creates Meeting Minutes and Agendas. Typically Project Managers, Project Coordinators, Assistants, and Estimators.
Why would you use it?
If you have complex Issues that you need to track on a Project and want to organize in a hierarchical way to display on your Meeting Minutes, you can now do that. You have the ability to nest Issues under others as needed. For example, you might have a parent Issue called “Delays” and within that you can nest additional, related Issues (eg. “Weather Delays” and “Late Material Delivery”).
How to use this feature
From an active Project, go to the Dialog tab > Manage > Issues, and click the New icon to add a new Issue. In this form you will see the option to nest your Issue under another existing Issue. If your Project doesn’t yet have Issues, you can create one and then continue adding Issue which can be nested. You can also do this while creating or editing your Meeting Minutes.
Additional information
As part of this update, Discussions will now also follow not only the Issue it is linked to, but also the Meeting Type. Meaning that when you discuss an Issue in one Meeting Type, those Discussions will carry over the next time you have a Meeting of that same Type, and will not pull into other Meeting Types. For example, if you have an issue called “Delays” you will be able to track the Discussions you had regarding delays in your Subcontractor Meetings separate from Discussions regarding delays in your OAC meetings.
Additional Updates
- Plans & Specifications: enable option to use file names for your uploaded files
- Flex and Fieldlens Integration: speed optimization for sending Plans & Specs