Checklists Update
Now available: increased character limit for paragraph responses within checklists. This update is intended to increase usability of checklists by allowing for longer responses. RedTeam Flex can now support a larger variety of checklist forms.

Who benefits most from this update?
Anyone who completes or reviews completed checklists, typically Superintendents, Safety Supervisors and Project Managers.
Why would you use it?
This update makes it easier to use checklists in RedTeam Flex. Rather than filling out checklists outside of RedTeam Flex and manually uploading the completed file, you’re now able to enter long responses within checklist forms, saving you time and reducing the likelihood that checklists are not stored within your projects and shared with necessary stakeholders.
How to use this feature
In the Configuration menu, navigate to Requests for Correction > Checklist Forms. Select a checklist form template to edit. Add or Edit Items and select ‘Outcome: Paragraph.’
Additional Information
There is no need to update existing checklist forms in configuration. However, to ensure that you have access to the increased character limit within responses, update to ‘Outcome: Paragraph’ within checklist forms that require long responses. Please note that this update is for web only; mobile access to the increased character limits is coming later this year.
Vendor Payment Notification Updates
Now available: a new section that contains lien waiver status information has been added to the Vendor Payment Notification. The invoice through date is now displayed on the notification, as well as all open lien law documents from the vendor and any sub-tier claimants. This update makes it easier and faster to notify vendors of items required to release payment.

Who benefits most from this update?
Anyone who communicates with vendors about payment status and required documentation to release payment, including Accounting and Accounts Payable teams.
Why would you use it?
Ease of collaboration between you and your vendors to get lien waivers completed and payments released as quickly as possible. Vendors will easily see what documents are required for them to receive payment. For more information about managing vendor payments in RedTeam Flex, read our help article.
How to use this feature
A Vendor Payment Notification is generated automatically when a vendor payment is created in RedTeam Flex. It can be accessed from the Vendors menu > Payments tab (or the vendor’s profile > Payments tab). Select ‘Notifications’ from the Tools icon for the payment to view and send the notification.
Additional Information
If you haven’t been using lien law management within RedTeam Flex, you’ll need to be sure your lien law venues, standings and forms are configured properly. Read our help article to learn more.
Import Estimate Template Update
Now available: updates to the Import Estimate template, including an example of how to fill in the template and tips to help users best utilize the import. The system detects the number of requests for quote or vendor quotes linked to the existing estimate. The user can elect to keep the existing cost codes and linked quotes or replace everything. This update is intended to save you time and make the import from spreadsheet process more user-friendly.

Who benefits most from this update?
Anyone who imports estimates into the project estimate or potential changes, typically Estimators and Project Managers.
Why would you use it?
Your Estimating team may elect to create project estimates outside of RedTeam Flex. The estimate can be imported to send out requests for quotes from vendors. When the project is moved to ‘In Progress’ status, the estimate figures will become the baseline budget for your project and all vendor quotes tied to cost codes will remain in your project (and the vendor’s profile) to be used to create vendor commitments and for reference.
How to use this feature
You’ll find the new template when you select Import Estimate > From Template. You can import estimates from the template or from another project.
Additional Information
To learn more about cost estimating in RedTeam Flex, including how to create project estimates and potential change estimates directly within RedTeam Flex, read our help article.